Amazon Data
As An Asset

Lontra Analytics makes your Amazon Data Flexible and Functional out of the box!
Some of our clients

Your Amazon Data, Blended For You

We take your Amazon Data, Blend it for you, and then provide it to you in any Business Intelligence tool you’d like. We’ll even build dashboards for you for free. We can do this 

Supported sources include:

Dashboards You and Your Team Will Love!

Use our pre-built dashboards, build your own dashboards, or ask us to build them for you! Lontra Analytics is built by sellers, for sellers. We know you don’t have time to waste learning new tools. You neeed solutions and we’ve got them!

Supported tools include:

Make Testing a Breeze, With the Metrics That Matter!

When was the last time you ran a decent A/B test on Amazon? Did you measure it’s impact on Profit? Or just some vanity metrics that are easy for Seller Central to report on? 

Metrics such as:

Take Lontra Metrics, Our Completely Free Dashboard For A Spin!

Our Amazon Analytics Dashboard designed to get you great insights, fast! Completely free, all you need is a google account!
lontra metrics free google data studio dashboard

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